Thursday, January 11, 2007

Email from Chelsea

Kia Ora Everybody

Kara has just forwarded me the Brown Whanau Blog which looks awesome!! It's going to be a great tool to keep our whanau updated.Jenna and I are really looking forward to the next big whanau get-to-together in 2009.

Chelsea Brown

Aunty Georgina's whanau update

Kia ora Te Whanau

Well, I have heard all about the latest reunion from the Haengas and am very envious. Was very disappointed couldn't make it this year as I was really looking forward to it, especially now the boys are getting older and still don't really know their cousins all that well. I was really pining to come home to this one but it was not to be as we had a couple of new additions to our family (two nephews, Nanette's mokos) so it would have cost an arm and a leg to get us all home!! Never mind, 3 years gives us time to save and hopefully the older ones will be making millions of dollars by then and can pay for themselves, lol!!

I have attached our whanau photo to add to the site. This one is of Jamie's air force graduation in Adelaide (December 2005), back left: Jeremy, moi, Jamie, Anthony and AJ (left) and Benjamin (right) in the front. It's interesting to see all those Wai Brown "dials" on the kids!! Will send some more later.

Fantastic to have something like this to keep in touch with everyone! Looking forward to catching up with Matu, Judy and the kids next week as we are heading up to Queensland for a break.

Love to you all
Sister/Aunty Georgina, Bro/Uncle Anthony and all the cousins/boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Uncle Micky Brown whanau

This is Jenna and her little daughter Noelani who is four months old.

Thanks Kara for the pics - keep us updated.

This is Paris, Chelsea's daughter - 5 years old.

Here are Chelsea's twin boys Levi and Ice who are 3 years old - a pair of good lookers!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Twin's 50th Birthday - August 06

Earlier in 2006, Aunty Julliett and Aunty Mona celebrated their 50th birthday - with many more to come!

Luke & Annabell The family rock star - AJ

Tu Auau Marae, Reporua, Ruatoria. Photo from Kara.
Renovations are due over the next year or so for the whole complex.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Next Brown Whanau reunion at Reporua 2009

After a family meeting the date has been set for the next Brown Whanau reunion at Reporua. 3 year intervals have been decided as the best option for our whanau as many now live in Australia. So in 2009 the Reporua Marae is booked for the Christmas - New Years period. Make sure you are there!

Matu Brown Family moving to Brisbane

Uncle Matu, Aunty Judy, Vani, Tremain and evetually La Tesh are leaving Auckland, NZ and moving to greener pastures in Brisbane, Australia. We that are left will miss them. We wish them all the best for their new home - Australia.

New babies in 2006

Samuel Lakona Henare Lardelli

Born 9 October 2006

Recent Wedding's in the Whanau 2006

Justin & Jessica Haronga
Married 31 December 2006
Pouawa Beach, Gisborne, NZ

Recent Wedding's in the Whanau 2006

Jeremy & Renata Lardelli

Married 9 December 2006

Hamilton, NZ

Reporua 2006

At the Marae - Reporua 2006
Aussies - what a laid back life! No cell phone coverage, no electricity, plenty of food, sun and time to waste!

Kara and Shanley enjoy the beautiful sun on the beach

Maraea and Vani wash off the sand after a swim at the beach.

The cousins, nephews talking about the neat things that they all did that day - swimming, sand castle building, playing cricket, touch rugby, collecting shells, diving for kaimoana and many other cool things.